Well, it's about time. Time to start heading out to the high desert for the weekends and enjoying the railroad. Getting the calendar straightened out is just one of those things that just seems to get lost in the shuffle, and I have plenty of things to shuffle around. Trying to make things fit and to make everyone happy does not work. There are only so many weekends as they haven't stretched the calendar since the Roman days, oh, they just kept sealing days from February. Which reminds me, February 29, 30, and 31st have been cancelled again this year, I checked.
Most dates are centered around our holidays as in January, February, and Easter. Narrow Gauge Meet is before MLS so that those that travel can get in a long trip. That doesn't work out for January, sorry. Of course November's meet is on Veteran's weekend and Thanksgiving and New Years go where they go.
It is always amazing what can get done in eight weekends a year, and what can't I imagine too. Hope to see you out sometime over the next year and as much as you can make we enjoy seeing you. It sure is neat in our little corner of the high desert and we hope to get some more accomplished in the season to come. Our resident workaholics have been plugging away when they can and are ready for a little show and tell what has happened over the summer. See you at the tracks, Brian
Snow comes to Joshua Tree
16 years ago